
Institutions are required to make public whether a program is designed to meet educational requirements for a specific professional license or certification that is required for employment in an occupation or is advertised as meeting such requirements. Institutions are required to make public, 对于每个州, whether the completion of that program would be sufficient to meet licensure requirements in a state for that occupation, did not meet requirements or has not made a determination.  These requirements apply to all programs offered via all modalities (distance education and not).

Students should review the specific academic requirements for the program in which they are enrolling, including those related to practicum/internship as well as pre-qualifications for licensure such as the need for a criminal background check. We highly recommend that students contact the applicable licensure board(s) in their state of residence or in the state where they intend to obtain a license before beginning an academic program that results in licensure and prior to beginning any internship/practicum. Many licensure boards have additional requirements beyond successful degree completion to obtain a license. Please be advised that state laws, regulations, and policies may change at any time. Changes in requirements can impact the program’s ability to meet educational requirements for licensure. Enrolled and prospective students are strongly encouraged to check with the licensing board(s) in their state of residence or in the state in which they intend to obtain a license for the most recent information and requirements. The College will periodically review the state requirements. The 杰克逊的大学 Diagnostic Medical Sonography disclosure does not provide any guarantee that any particular state licensure or certification entity will approve or deny a student’s application.


 状态 链接,按国家分列 Does this program meet the requirements?
阿拉巴马州 N/A state does not license this specific profession N/A
阿拉斯加 N/A state does not license this specific profession N/A
亚利桑那州 N/A state does not license this specific profession N/A
阿肯色州 N/A state does not license this specific profession N/A
加州 N/A state does not license this specific profession N/A
科罗拉多州 N/A state does not license this specific profession N/A
康涅狄格 N/A state does not license this specific profession N/A
特拉华州 N/A state does not license this specific profession N/A
佛罗里达 N/A state does not license this specific profession N/A
乔治亚州 N/A state does not license this specific profession N/A
夏威夷 N/A state does not license this specific profession N/A
爱达荷州 N/A state does not license this specific profession N/A
伊利诺斯州 N/A state does not license this specific profession N/A
印第安纳州 N/A state does not license this specific profession N/A
爱荷华州 N/A state does not license this specific profession N/A
堪萨斯 N/A state does not license this specific profession N/A
肯塔基州 N/A state does not license this specific profession N/A
路易斯安那州 N/A state does not license this specific profession N/A
缅因州 N/A state does not license this specific profession N/A
马里兰 N/A state does not license this specific profession N/A
麻萨诸塞州 N/A state does not license this specific profession N/A
密歇根 N/A state does not license this specific profession N/A
明尼苏达州 N/A state does not license this specific profession N/A
密西西比州 N/A state does not license this specific profession N/A
密苏里州 N/A state does not license this specific profession N/A
蒙大拿 N/A state does not license this specific profession N/A
内布拉斯加州 N/A state does not license this specific profession N/A
内华达 N/A state does not license this specific profession N/A
新汉普郡 超声波检验师许可 是的
新泽西 N/A state does not license this specific profession N/A
新墨西哥 超声波检验师许可 是的
纽约 N/A state does not license this specific profession N/A
北卡罗莱纳 N/A state does not license this specific profession N/A
北达科他 超声波检验师许可 是的
俄亥俄州 N/A state does not license this specific profession N/A
俄克拉何马州 N/A state does not license this specific profession N/A
俄勒冈州 超声波检验师许可 是的
宾西法尼亚 N/A state does not license this specific profession N/A
罗德岛州 N/A state does not license this specific profession N/A
南卡罗来纳 N/A state does not license this specific profession N/A
南达科塔州 N/A state does not license this specific profession N/A
田纳西州 N/A state does not license this specific profession N/A
德州 N/A state does not license this specific profession N/A
犹他州 N/A state does not license this specific profession N/A
佛蒙特州 N/A state does not license this specific profession N/A
维吉尼亚州 N/A state does not license this specific profession N/A
华盛顿 N/A state does not license this specific profession N/A
西维吉尼亚州 N/A state does not license this specific profession N/A
威斯康辛州 N/A state does not license this specific profession N/A
怀俄明 N/A state does not license this specific profession N/A